Wednesday, May 4, 2011

On the Randomness of Referrals (And other mindless drivel)

So the latest batch came out.  The official cut-off date hasn’t been confirmed yet, but it appears that June 20, 2006 was the cut off.  Below is a list of words I am using to describe the size of the batch:
·         Pathetic
·         Wretched
·         Dismal
·         Shameful
·         Depressing
·         Dreary
·         Disheartening
·         Disappointing
·         Discouraging
Get the picture? 
So what does that mean for us?  I’m not really sure.  Usually at this point of the wait, a person can accurately guess when they’ll get their referrals, but here’s the crux of the issue.  There’s a chance we could be next.  So do we assume that?  Get our hopes up?  Use that as the incentive to really start booking on our home projects that absolutely HAVE to get done?  I suppose so.  But there’s another side to doing that.  If we assume we’re next, and we aren’t, it’s going to be heartbreaking.  It WILL mean that we’d be in the next group, but still….
What do we have done?  Not much.  We did purchase a crib, so we’re a bit further along.  We haven’t had a chance to do a whole lot.  April was a weird month for us.  The week of the 4th through the 8th, I was making cheesecakes for my dad’s 70th birthday party.  We’ve been battling illnesses all winter, as well, and April was no exception.  Hopefully, we’re past that and can now focus on what we need to. 
We have 2 projects that we need to get done.  The baby room is the main one.  That’s the one that’s going to be time consuming.  The other is to get the bath tub resurfaced.  It’s an old cast iron tub, original to the house, and the enamel had pretty much worn off when we purchased the house.  We had no way of replacing the tub (it was placed in the bathroom before they built the wall with the door) because no tubs would fit!  So we purchased one of those lovely do-it-yourself re-enameling  kits where you paint the toxic substance on yourself.  Um, that worked well.  Yeah, right.  We found a place that will resurface your tub for you and it’s supposed to last about 20 years.  Ding ding ding.  We’re doing that this time around.  So, yeah, it will cost more, but it should come out a lot better too. 
Jason, in the meantime, has replaced the doors in our house.  We found that NOTHING is plumb in the house.  There are absolutely NO right angles at all.  They don’t even come close! 
Another project that’s being done, most likely tonight, is replacement of the garage door opened.  The motor went out last night.  Fun, fun. 
We also need a new water heater. 
Why does EVERYTHING happen at once???
We still have to work at finalizing a packing list and we have to buy a car seat, stroller, pack-n-play, clothes, toys, diapers, wipes, formula, etc.  So the clothes and diapers and formula will have to wait.  We won’t know what size she is until we get the referral.  Shoot, we won’t even know if she is a SHE until we get the referral.  Boys have been known to pop up every so often.  Hope not.  All of the bedding is girly – pink, green and brown. 
Not much else happening on the home front. 

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