Wednesday, November 24, 2010

9 Years

Nine short years ago, on this day, I married the love of my life. 
It’s been quite the trip!  It’s been nine years of Jasonisms and Jason-cuts.
I don’t know what I would do without him in my life.  I love him so very much. 
We’ve been told by many that we have the perfect marriage.  I am going to beg to differ on that one.  Nothing in life is perfect.  We are very well matched.  For all of his playfulness, I have the seriousness.  For his absentmindedness, I have the logic.  For his Jasonisms, I’ve learned to interpret what he’s saying.  For his Jason-cuts, I’ve learned to study where we’re going, because he will NOT use a GPS.  (those of you who have had him drive you places, you know what I’m talking about.)  For my melancholy, he’s the silliness needed to get me out of my funk. 
What am I saying?  While we are not perfect and while we do fight at times, we also balance eachother.  We don’t have the same taste in decorating, we don’t have the same taste in TV shows, but what we do have works.  He’s stuck by me during the very long journey that our adoption has taken us on.  For some couples, the long wait has doomed their relationships.  For us, it’s seemed to have brought us closer together. 
Happy Anniversary, Love.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 24

So that day marks our 9th Wedding anniversary.  Next year, our 10th, will fall on Thanksgiving Day.  We know we probably won’t be able to do anything to celebrate then.  So we want to do something special for this year. 
Any ideas?  Funds are low, so no extravagant trips.  Believe me, I’d LOVE a cruise.  Disney World would be wonderful too.  The one problem with all of the ideas that I’m finding is the prices are inflated due to the holiday.  Motel rooms are up….airline tickets are up….it’s sooooo frustrating!  Sure, we can stay home…as usual…go out for dinner….as usual…
And what do I get him???
The Traditional 9th Anniversary gift is Pottery.
The Modern 9th Anniversary gift is Leather.  Oooookay.  Kinky much?  Mind out of the gutter, Kristi!!
So, back to what to do?  I’m stuck.

Friday, November 5, 2010

This is too funny

Have you ever seen something so out of the ordinary that it was just hilarious?
Here’s an activity to do today:
1.       Navigate to Google Maps
2.       Click on Get Directions
3.       Enter the town you live in for Point A
4.       Enter Guangzhou, China for Point B
5.       Click the button that says Get Directions
6.       Read said directions

Let me know what you find!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Latest Guesstimate

On the heels of this incredibly small batch which, incidentally, had a couple sets of twins, I had to redo my numbers.  It’s the first time in a while that I had to start “tinkering” with my formulas.  I have had to come up with 3 possible guesses.  One based on the information and pace they have been moving at for most of 2010, another based on the tiny little batch they just did, and then I did an average of the 2. 
So, based on the 3 unscientific methods of number crunching, here are my 3 guesstimates for the cut-off of the next group of referrals:
Based on the tiny batch: May 26 will be the next cutoff
Based on the previous batches of 2010: May 30 will be the next cutoff
Based on the average of the two: May 29 will be the next cutoff
I’m not even going to attempt to guess as to what I really think will be the cut-off date.  They have used the last batches of the year to make significant slowdowns in the past and this could be another slowdown.  Then again, they could surprise me and pick the pace back up.  This last batch could have been a fluke based on the fact that last month’s batch was larger than average.  When you look at that, it’s entirely possible that the two average each other out and, if that’s the case; we’re still looking at a late February referral. 
And, as of today, we’ve been waiting 1,567 days.

Monday, November 1, 2010

This just in….

American and European agencies have confirmed that referrals have been mailed out by the CCAA and that the cut off was May 23, 2006. 
One of the smallest batches ever. 
This does not bode well for my guesstimate of spring travel to China. 
If they continue at that pathetically slow pace with equally pathetically small batches, we’ll get our referral May/June with July/August travel.  We may very well be the first group of people to hit the 5 year mark for waiting.  At least that’s what it’s now looking like.  That 5 year mark doesn’t include the amount of time it took for our paper chase.  (If you include that time, December 1 will be the 5 year anniversary of submitting our application to adopt.)  No, the waiting milestones are all based on the LID. 
What wonderful news for a Monday morning!!!