Saturday, June 18, 2011


We ordered a care package through Ann at Red ThreadChina.  Because of one of the pictures we received from Teagin’s referral, I insisted we add a donation of socks to the order.  We got her a teething album which has pictures of the two of us so that she can get used to seeing our faces.  We also ordered 2 single use cameras for the staff to take pictures of her and then candy for the caregivers and older children.  In return, Ann got updated photos for us!  

I think she looks sad in this picture.  It's my prerogative to believe that she knows she now has parents that want nothing more than to hold her and she's missing them...

What a change a baby can go through in two months!  At first we couldn’t see the similarities and thought they had sent us pictures of a different baby.  But after staring at the photos side by side, we could see the face we have memorized over the past few weeks. 

We’re still waiting for the official updates from the CCCWA that we requested and paid for.  We’re also waiting on travel approval.  Once we get that, we can book and GO!  After seeing this picture, all we want to do is just hold our Little Dumpling.  They reported that she likes to play outside, and likes to listen to music and watch TV.  Educational programming, here we come!  This actually isn’t that bad of a deal….we mostly watch The History Channel, History International, Animal Planet, The Science Channel…well, you get the picture. 

We’re going to finish painting Teagin’s room this weekend.  Then all we need to do is finish out the closet, furnish the room and then move onto the decorating!  It’s taking shape!  We bought some letters to spell out her name on her door.  They’re the kind that we can peel off in a few years if we want to change them. 

Not much else is really going on.  It’s just been too quiet. 


  1. She is so cute. Her hair is adorable. Congrats!!!

  2. She's beatutiful! I had friends who adopted and when they went over to pick up their little guy they also purchased birthday gifts for him through his 18th birthday of things from his country. That is what they did with their "extra time" and it wasn't easy to find stuff from 1-18 but they did makes each birthday for Yiah special...just wanted to pass that along:-) Love you!
