Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Big Four Oh!

Today is my birthday. 

I had one wish.  Just one wish for this year.  I wanted to see my baby’s face by the time I turned 40.  I woke up this morning hoping that yesterday really happened and it wasn’t a dream, but this is the first thing I saw:

Well, yesterday, I got my wish!

I honestly do not remember much of the call.  Our agency called me and then conferenced in Jason.  She asked if we wanted the picture now, or after the call.  I said now before she could even finish the question.  I mean, who WOULDN’T want to see what their baby looked like after exactly 1800 days of waiting?  I opened the email and immediately the waterworks started.  The first cognizant thought I had was “she looks like Nick” (my brother’s youngest).  By this time, my co-workers had figured out what was happening and I was surrounded by my work family with hugs and well wishes.  I collected myself enough to be able to jot down her measurements.  After the call ended, I printed out 2 copies of the announcement that AWAA sends out and hung one on my cubicle wall.  Since I get off work at 4 and it was about 3:45 at this time, I just closed up shop and headed out.  I mean, who would be able to concentrate and work after that???

Teagin’s a tiny little thing.  At 4 months old, she was 10 lbs 6 oz and was 21 ½ inches long.  The size of a big newborn!  So last night, I whipped out our growth charts for Chinese girls and plotted her.  She’s WAY below the 3rd percentile for her age.  She’s so tiny she’s basically off the charts!  I was hoping the grid would help me try and figure out about how big she is now and how big she’ll be when we go.  I have to buy diapers you know!  Ok, Ok, I want to go buy dresses and pretties for her hair – my Teagin has a TON of it! 

 Gan Fu Min was her given name.  I hope to find out later today what exactly her name means.  You need to see the characters to determine that.     

Teagin is a Celtic name.  Despite what some think, Teagin is the female version of Teague.  It means Little Poet in Irish and Beautiful in Welsh.  So I’m going to say that Teagin means Beautiful Little Poet.  We originally were going to name her Sofie.  But about 4 months ago, I had a feeling that Sofie no longer was her name.  So the big name hunt began again.  Jason and I could not agree on a name…until I stumbled across Teagin.  We both fell in love with the name.  And I’ll tell you….after seeing her beautiful face yesterday, she definitely wasn’t a Sofie!  Teagin suits her! 

In China, the last name appears first when you see the name.  So if you were to Americanize it, her given name would appear as Fu Min Gan.  Because of this, her middle name is Fu Min. 

My Little Dumpling. 
Teagin Fu Min Sitzman.

I’m in love.

So, turning 40 didn’t turn out too badly.  In fact, I have to say, it’s probably the best birthday EVER!!!

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