Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy New Year - Rabbit Edition

So the cutoff for this month was June 2, 2006.  Once again, it was a very small batch.  It didn’t do too much damage to my calculations as I had already done the number crunching using smaller batch numbers.  What ticks me off is that it has been almost 2 months since the last referral batch and this is all they had to show for it.  I suppose one can say that we got referrals before the CCAA broke for the Chinese New Year Holiday is a good thing, but the size of the batch counteracts that! 
It angers me that they still accept applications to adopt non-special needs children from China.  How can they not be embarrassed that they are so slow at their job that people drop out of the program?  I know that Asians are generally proud people so this is totally out of character for them.  I feel so bad for the people who are behind us.  With 25 referral days in front of us, we’re still looking at about another 6 months before we even get our referral.  That’s less than 4 days a month.  And that’s also IF they refer in a month.  The last 4 months has only shown 2 batches so the odds aren’t favorable.  I’m going to guess that in the next 6 months we’ll see maybe 4 batches.  If they were smart, they’d work their tails off to get the back log taken care of, and then close the Non-Special needs program.  There isn’t anything positive about making a family wait for years and years for their heart.  But it’s not up to me. 
I’ve become very cynical during this wait.  The adage “Good things come to those who wait” never was at the mercy of a foreign government to grow their family.  I’m also at the end of my rope with patience.  The past few times when we’ve gotten rotten news regarding referrals, I’ve cried my heart out.  Those who know me well know that it takes an awful lot to reduce me to tears.  But this time, I got angry.  With 1,656 days of waiting since our LID, I think I’ve earned that right.  What pregnant woman has had to wait 5 years for their baby to be born?  The adoption community says that I’m pregnant on paper.  Well, in that time, there have been 2 elephants born AND the third one is due in about 150 days!  Yeah, we'll see the thrid one before we go.
So there’s where we’re at.
Happy New Year.  It’s the year of the rabbit.  Rabbit’s feet are supposed to bring good luck. 

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